Focused Blood Pressure Training Seminars for our Barangay Health Workers
Proper blood pressure (PB) taking is essential in identifying and detecting hypertension. In order to achieve this, the personnels who take the BP should be knowledgeable and equipped on how to use the BP apparatus. This is the objective of the Focused Blood Pressure Training Seminar. The team conducted a focused training seminar among the Barngay Health Workers (BHWs) assigned for each day of the week. This was strategically done in order to closely attend to each BHWs training and concerns.
The training seminar started with a pretest regarding hypertension to establish their baseline knowledge. After the pretest, the lecture proper was started, followed by the demonstration of proper BP taking. The BHWs were then asked to do a return demonstration once they were ready, to evaluate their skills. The training seminar was then concluded with the post test examination.