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Monthly Prenatal Visits and Health Teaching on Maternal Nutrition, Danger Signs of Pregnancy

Writer's picture: Team SiariTeam Siari

Every third Tuesday of the month Barangay Siari has its scheduled monthly prenatal check up for all pregnant women residing in the barangay. This activity was always led by the barangay health nurse assigned in the barangay health station (BHS) and was facilitated also by all barangay health workers (BHWs). Team Siari medical students assigned also helped in educating the mothers about the importance of being compliant to their prenatal visits as this not only helps them trace the progress of their pregnancy but also help them have a picture of the health of the fetus inside their womb. Activities conducted during the monthly prenatal visits include BP monitoring, weight gain of the mother, MUAC measurements, tetanus toxoid injection, fetal heart rate monitoring, and vaccinations.

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