Introduction of Homemade RUTF to Mothers with Malnourished Children and Anthropometric Measurements
The mothers of the identified malnourished children were asked to be gathered with their child at the Barangay Health Station (BHS) for the introduction of the homemade supplemental food. Upon arrival at the BHS, name and details of the mother and child were taken. The anthropometrics of the children were also recorded, this includes the height, weight, and mean upper arm circumference (MUAC). Thereafter, a lecture on malnutrition was held. The team stressed out the most common causes of malnutrition and what are its effects on the general well being of the child, to which the mothers were able to understand. As a proposed solution to this matter, the team presented the homemade supplemental food product. The mothers were informed of the ingredients and their benefits. Each mother and their child then smelled and tasted the product for acceptability. Sure enough the children liked the product and the mothers approved of the intervention. They were then informed that the homemade supplemental food will be delivered house-to-house once the products are ready.