House-to-House Survey
Barangay Siari is the second most populated barangay of the Municipality of Sindangan. In a span of 21 days, these medical students conducted a house-to-house survey to gather primary data and to identify problems that exists in Barangay Siari. A house-to-house survey was conducted on all seven puroks in Barangay Siari with the help of 13 barangay health workers (BHW), depending on their assigned area. For each purok, there were two barangay health workers assigned except for Purok 1 where there was only one assigned. Barangay Siari has a total number of 832 households and the group’s initial goal was to survey all the households. However, this second community immersion only had 21 days and the group thought that the goal was unattainable. There were other problems along the way that the medical students encountered and surpassed during the survey. First, some households were made more challenging to reach because of the difficulty within the physical terrain of the community, coupled with unexpected weather conditions. Second, a number of residents were not interviewed because of their unavailability at the time and date of the survey. Third, some households were excluded from this study because they were registered in neighboring barangay even though their houses occupy the terrain of Barangay Siari which described as subject to discrepancies.